Tricia Harragin
Jungian Analyst, Psychotherapist, Counsellor and Supervisor
I first graduated as a counsellor in 1994. In the following ten years I ran and trained others to run parenting groups.
I retrained at Re.Vision (Counselling & Psychotherapy with a Soulful Perspective) and graduated in a counsellor in 2005. Re.Vision training is rigorous. It combines sound clinical practice with soulful care. I completed the Re.Vision Diploma in Psychotherapy in 2008. Since then I have completed the Re.Vision Couples Counselling training and trained as a Supervisor. I am a registered psychotherapist and supervisor through Re.Vision with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). I adhere to the ethical frameworks of UKCP and Re.Vision. I have regular supervision.

During my years at Re.Vision I attended workshops and intensives (week long retreats) run by the Marion Woodman Foundation. This BodySoul rhythm work beautifully weaves a psyche and body connection. I also have some experience of the trauma/somatic work of Peter Levine. When appropriate I integrate breath and non-touch body awareness into my practice and many find this supportive.
I actively encourage recording of dreams, journaling and art as being therapeutically beneficial. When appropriate, I include nature in my work and find that the other than-human world finds its way into the consulting room. There is space in therapy sessions to acknowledge heart-felt response to the environmental/ecological crisis and political events that we face. I support the need to face suffering and beauty in the world.

Registered Member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy.
The UKCP is the leading organisation for psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors in the UK. Alongside offering professional support for its members it regulates the profession and promotes access to psychotherapy for all.

About Tricia

Finally and significantly …
I have a profound appreciation and respect for the work of C G Jung: an intrepid explorer of the human psyche/soul. He has left a wealth of knowledge and is the foundation of so many psychotherapeutic maps or ways of working. He realised the value of using the imagination, art, dreams, fairy tales and myths. He gave name to complexes, archetypes, the collective unconscious and the rich symbolic relevance of alchemy.
In 2022 I completed my training as a Jungian analyst in Switzerland at the Research and Training Centre in Depth Psychology according to C G Jung and Marie Louise von Franz. My 10 years of Jungian training broadened and deepened by practice in ways I could never have imagined.